Munro Art at de Stijl Gariep Hotel
Painting for little over a decade, Munro has become a household name to many art lovers, local and abroad. Using pallet knives in the execution of his work, Munro has mastered his own unique and confident style of a variety colourful landscapes ranging from “African savannas” to “Ripe vineyards”.
His love of texture reflects in his work where it asks to be touched. A confident style executed with love, reflects a boldness that only comes with a deep understanding of the media.
No brush is used in the execution of the painting. The work originates through a new approach redefining builders’ tools as pallet knives which are the only tools Munro uses.
Widely traveled, in search of new scenes, Munro depicts a wide variety of international images from “African Savannas ” to “Tuscan Hills “, “Ripe vineyards ” and “Moody Autumn Light “. His passion for colour, texture and light are always a characteristic of his work.
Truly an artist out of the African soil with an international appeal, Munro’s paintings are represented in corporate and private collections throughout South Africa and abroad.
Phone: +2783 785 8687
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